Is HSP Sensitivity a Curse or a Blessing? (Part 2)

In our last post, we took in many of the advantages that HSPs possess. In this one, we must look at the disadvantages in order to see the whole picture, and make a balanced choice.



Because we can be overwhelmed, we limit our relationships to a few treasured friends. We are easily hurt by others’ insensitive words and actions. Due to our empathy and compassion, people are drawn to us. That means everyone. We can attract toxic people as well as the friendly kind, which leaves us open to abuse and exploitation.

Image courtesy of Geralt (Gerd Altmann) on Pixabay.


We bring many wonderful qualities to the workplace, but we also have our limitations. Workplace distractions can hinder our productivity. A noisy, open work space can easily overwhelm us. We thrive on our inner thoughts and can come up with original solutions given the time necessary for us to accomplish this, but short, tight deadlines and on-the-spot thinking is not our forte. A job requiring much multitasking can be challenging and cause us untold amounts of stress. We are at our best when we can focus on one undertaking at a time.


Because of our extreme sensitivity, we are susceptible to a number of illnesses and afflictions. Any illness that stress can produce will cause certain symptoms. Symptoms of stress in a “normal” person flare in intensity in an HSP. Migraines, high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety and depression, heart disease, and gastrointestinal problems are just a few of the diseases that HSPs have struggled with.


As noted earlier, understanding human emotions leads to better understanding of ourselves and other’s actions and motivations. But because that requires immense sensitivity, it has its drawbacks. We can become overwhelmed in times when our senses are being bombarded. For instance, around a large group of people or in an intense work situation. It also means that our feelings are easily hurt. We must guard against being defensive.


Image courtesy of Fotorech (Daniel Reche) on Pixabay.

Being highly sensitive can work both ways. It has its highlights and its pitfalls. Your individual experience will vary from every other HSP. In the end, it will depend upon what you make of it. If you are an optimistic person, the blessings will outshine the demands. And vise-versa if you tend to be pessimistic.

In my personal experience, I would not have it any other way. I’ve had my share of challenges to overcome, but in the end, my sensitivity has taught me more, given me more, and blessed me in ways being born “normal” never could. I hope that you, too, can see your highly sensitive nature as the blessing that it is. You’re one in a million in a group that is already one in five. How rare is that?

Copyright 2022, Monica Nelson

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